Hey guys, sorry its late but I'm finally getting to sit down and type this out.
I sat down with our lawyer the other day and it has been a bit of a process but it looks like we will be acquiring Non-Profit status! This is very exciting. Once again, thank you for your patience everyone. We're getting these details ironed out.

That being said, the lawyer made some suggestions to change a few key things. We had originally planned to determine the positions of Secretary and Treasurer by a popular vote, but due to the complexities of managing a Non-Profit we've been advised to select individuals most qualified to the positions to ensure this is properly managed. Someone with appropriate background for these positions is preferable. (i.e. accounting experience for Treasurer)
As discussed before, those wishing to apply need to turn in your qualifications to us by February 27th (the next meeting). You can send them to us by email at sevenslotsocietyofswla@gmail.com
We will then hold interviews for all those that apply at a time that is convenient for everyone. 
I hope you all understand the reason for this decision and feel fee to message me with any questions.


